Tuesday, October 17, 2023

'Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan' : Pioneering Progress in Combating Workplace Sexual Harassment and Empowering Voices

The Vishakha vs State of Rajasthan case is a crucial legal precedent regarding workplace sexual harassment. In this landmark judgment, the Supreme Court recognized that, as of 1997, India's existing civil and penal laws did not sufficiently safeguard women from sexual harassment in the workplace. They acknowledged that creating new legislation to address this issue would be a time-consuming process. As a temporary measure, the Court established specific guidelines to prevent sexual harassment of women in the workplace.

It highlights the significance of the progressive approach taken in the past, without delving into specific guidelines. It emphasizes the Hon'ble Court's pioneering role in defining sexual harassment, a definition that still holds relevance today under Section 354A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), introduced through the Criminal Amendment Act of 2013. The Court's observations provided a comprehensive understanding of sexual harassment. These observations include:

  1. Physical Contact and Advances: The Court recognized that sexual harassment encompasses unwanted physical contact and advances, implying that any unwelcome, sexually motivated physical interactions can be considered harassment.
  2. Demand or Request for Sexual Favors: This component underscores that any demand or request for sexual favors, whether explicit or implied, falls within the purview of sexual harassment.
  3. Sexually Colored Remarks: Sexual harassment also encompasses the use of sexually colored remarks, which include suggestive, lewd, or offensive comments of a sexual nature that create a hostile or uncomfortable environment for the victim.
  4. Showing Pornography: The Court's definition includes the act of showing explicit material such as pornography, as this can be a form of harassment if it is done without consent and creates a hostile or intimidating environment.
  5. Any Other Unwelcome Physical, Verbal, or Non-Verbal Conduct of a Sexual Nature: This part of the definition is intentionally broad to encompass any other unwelcome conduct, whether physical, verbal, or non-verbal, that is of a sexual nature. It reflects an understanding that sexual harassment can take various forms, and its definition should be adaptable to the evolving dynamics of social interactions.

The Court's forward-thinking approach in establishing this comprehensive definition of sexual harassment was a significant step towards addressing this issue effectively. It not only clarified what constituted harassment but also laid the foundation for legal frameworks and societal awareness to combat such behavior and protect individuals from unwelcome and offensive sexual advances and conduct. This landmark decision has continued to serve as a crucial reference point for legal and social discussions surrounding sexual harassment in India and beyond.


Let’s understand the broader and more profound impact of sexual harassment, emphasizing that it extends beyond just physical contact to include acts that can affect a victim mentally and emotionally. This recognition is crucial in understanding the full scope of the harm caused by such behaviour.

Ld. Solicitor General speaking in favour of the petitioner's rights, with consent, highlights the significance of support from influential legal figures and underscores the importance of consent in all legal and social discussions regarding these matters. This emphasis on consent is an essential aspect of understanding sexual harassment, as it clarifies that any sexual advances or actions must be consensual to be considered acceptable.

This also draws attention to a recent and deeply troubling incident in Manipur, where women were subjected to brutal and degrading treatment, paraded naked. This event had a profound and lasting impact, serving as a stark reminder of a similar case discussed in the text. In the mentioned case, a courageous woman intervened to prevent the forced marriage of an infant within her own family. Tragically, her act of bravery led to her being subjected to a brutal gang rape by vengeful villagers. The passage points out that the trial court's acquittal of the accused in this case was met with outrage and disbelief.

Women activists and organizations rallied together to file a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), which is now known as the Vishakha Case. This case marked a turning point, where legal and societal efforts converged to address the issue of sexual harassment more effectively. The Vishakha Case eventually led to significant legal changes and established guidelines for preventing and addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. This landmark case serves as a powerful example of how collective action and legal advocacy can bring about positive change and protect the rights and dignity of individuals who have been victims of such heinous acts.


Sexual harassment is a pervasive and silent social issue that affects various aspects of our lives, from public spaces to homes and workplaces. It encourages individuals not to remain passive observers but to take a stand against such behavior.

The reference to "Awaken the Bhanwari in you" alludes to this case where Bhanwari Devi, the victim of sexual assault, spoke up and fought for her rights. This is an appeal for individuals to find their own courage and voice, similar to Bhanwari, in addressing instances of sexual harassment.

This also highlights the importance of being aware of implicit consent when confronted with sexually colored remarks disguised as compliments. It urges people not to dismiss or smile at such remarks but to confront the perpetrator immediately. By doing so, individuals can contribute to changing the social norms and making people more mindful of their behavior.

However, the passage also emphasizes the need to use this power responsibly and not as a means for extortion or vengeance. It stresses the importance of fairness and equity, suggesting that falsely framing someone is also unjust and harmful. The call for equity and justice is a reminder that the fight against sexual harassment should be guided by principles of fairness and not used as a tool for personal gain. Ultimately, the message encourages individuals to be vigilant and proactive in addressing sexual harassment while promoting responsible and equitable actions.